6 signs of dog “rabies”


When raising dogs, there is a disease problem that worries dog owners the most: rabies.

When a dog suffers from rabies, not only will it be life-threatening, but it will also be a blockbuster to the owner!



The following are 6 major signs of dog infection with rabies. The owner must pay attention to it, which is related to life safety.

①: Blurred, unconscious

When attacked by the rabies virus, the dog’s mental state will be significantly affected.

Mental decline, confusion, negative demeanor.

Therefore, when the dog’s mental outlook changes, the owner must remember not to be careless.

In many cases, the emergence of danger is caused by negligence, and carelessness should not be taken.


②: Increased saliva and shortness of breath

Panting, accompanied by drooling symptoms, is also a precursor to rabies.

When doing these movements, they also appear very painful, as if being strangled.

The cry will gradually become hoarse as these movements change.


③: Afraid of light and water

Sudden fear of light and water may also be due to lesions caused by rabies.

Hiding in the dark, afraid to come out, cowering.

It was difficult to swallow when drinking water, and I kept backing away when I heard the sound of running water.

The performance of these living habits must be kept in mind!


④: Temperament changes drastically, even relatives do not recognize

When the dog suddenly changes temperament and shows aggressive behavior, remember: stay away immediately!

A domesticated dog will not fight back even if it is beaten and scolded by its owner.

When it shows aggressive behavior suddenly and without reason, it may also be a lesion caused by canine disease.


⑤: Behaviors that harm oneself

When the body is attacked by the virus, the dog will feel very uncomfortable.

In order to alleviate this discomfort, dogs may engage in self-harming behaviors, such as self-mutilation.

Biting themselves and rubbing their wounds are all ways for them to relieve pain.


⑥: The body is thin and sick

The first thing that plagues the disease is the dog’s body.

Morbidity will deepen with the severity of the disease, and the body will be tortured and wasted.

Therefore, on weekdays, it is necessary to observe the dog’s living conditions more and see if there is any abnormality.


Rabies is a terrible disease that poses a great threat to both dogs and humans.

So, what can we do to effectively prevent this terrible disease? ①: Regular injection of rabies vaccine

Regular injection of rabies vaccine is very important. Sufficient antibody levels can effectively inhibit the rabies virus in dogs.

At the same time, the owner should not be careless.

When raising a dog, if you are accidentally injured or bitten by a dog, it is best to get a rabies vaccine, and don’t take chances.


②: Enhance the dog’s physical resistance

Attacked by viruses, it is usually because the dog’s body is relatively weak and its resistance is insufficient.

Therefore, when you take your dog out on weekdays, you can add more training to improve the dog’s physical fitness.

If the dog is unwilling to train, it is recommended to bring some snacks as a reward, which will help improve the dog’s enthusiasm for training.


③: Supplement the dog’s diet nutrition

A lack of nutrition in the dog’s diet and incomplete nutrition will cause many health problems in dogs.

Therefore, when feeding, it is best to provide comprehensive nutrition to avoid malnutrition.

In addition, the dog food fed should not only be nutritious, but also high-quality to ensure the quality of the dog’s diet.

Only by feeding high-quality and nutritious dog food can we better care for the dog’s dietary health, which is more beneficial to the dog’s health management and reduce disease damage!

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