Why do most dogs like to dig pits?

We often see our dogs digging holes on the ground, so do you know the reason why dogs dig holes? Even people who have owned dogs for many years may not necessarily know.

First, store food

Dogs will dig a hole to hide their beloved big bones to prevent them from being stolen by other dogs. When you are hungry and want to eat, dig it out and enjoy it.

Second, cooling.

Just like people have their own methods, dogs have their own methods. In summer, it will feel that the ground is hotter, it wants to dig a hole, lie in it and do so, it will give itself to the heat. It’s like we’re in a bathtub for a reason. It’s like we’re in a bathtub for a reason. Dogs will choose such a way to escape the heat for themselves. If it is a dog that lives outside, this is mostly the case in summer.

Third, play and relieve boredom

Sometimes dogs’ digging behavior is simply to vent their excess energy, which is one of their classic game projects. Especially in the kind of soft soil or sand, dogs want to dig a few times to relieve their boredom. Many dogs dig holes in the yard for this reason. The shit shovel officer has no time to play with them, so they can only play with the soil .

Fourth, jailbreak

My dog ​​secretly digged a pit beside the fence of the small courtyard on the first floor, and then actually ran out of the pit and caught a small punishment, but the effect was not great.

All kinds of animals have their own tricks, it’s that simple!

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