Why do dogs like to squeeze your butt or sit on you?

Whenever you sit and watch TV, your dog will jump up on your lap and straddle you directly, and sometimes squeeze you with his butt, like asking you to give up your seat. It’s average.

We dog owners, have we encountered the above experience?

Do dogs really look down on people? Are you deliberately bullying your master? If you think so too, then you must check out our article today!

Do dogs who like to sit on their owners really want to ride on their owners?

Roger Abrantes, a famous American animal behavior expert, once published an article on why dogs squeeze their owners with their butts. According to Roger Abrantes’ article, dogs like to turn their backs to their owners, push their butts, and squeeze their owners. These seemingly rude behaviors are actually gestures of intimacy between dogs and their owners.

No one likes to stick to someone they hate, so the act of a dog sticking to its owner is actually a form of love.

Just imagine, would you deliberately turn your defenseless back towards the enemy? The same is true for dogs. When a dog turns its back on us, it is to convey that it wants to be close to us, and it is also a very trusting behavior.

Now that you understand that this is the dog’s love for its owner, then forgive it when it accidentally farts you.

Butt bumping is usually a reassuring behavior, and it means the dog wants to show you kindness rather than being aggressive.

Sometimes the dog deliberately does not sit on the owner’s body, and keeps the back of his head at a certain distance from the owner. This behavior is actually implying the owner to “touch me, touch me, touch my head and back~~” .

Oh~~Yes~~~It’s here~~~~More touches>///<

Would you invite your dog to bed with you? Or does it automatically occupy the most comfortable bed first? No matter what the situation is, owners who are sleeping with their dogs should often find that the sleeping position of the dog is not very good. The dog who slept well at night will find the dog’s butt pressure in the morning. On the owner’s face, it is really speechless.

Master: Breathe…fast…no…

In such a situation, please don’t scold the dog in a hurry, because this is the dog’s way of showing love.

When a dog sleeps, he is accustomed to leaning on his back to make himself feel safe; therefore, in the dog’s subconscious, the owner can give him a fuller sense of security than the cold floor, so the dog is very natural. Give your unsuspecting self to the master.

Master: Hands…Thighs…Unconscious……………….

The ass is the most invisible place for dogs, so the dog hopes that the owner can protect its ass. Even if the owner sleeps more than a pig, at least he is the least person in the world who will not hurt it.

There is always an invisible gap between fantasy and reality. . . . . . . . .

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