
Why do dogs have to be “inbreeding”?

In the world of dogs, they have the phenomenon of inbreeding, and there are quite a lot of cases, and it may even involve their own mothers.


Although the phenomenon of dog inbreeding is still relatively serious, it is undeniable that this will also bring certain consequences to the offspring of dogs, such as poor physique and easy to get sick; the mortality rate will be greatly increased; Disability and other conditions, so even among dogs, this kind of inbreeding is not advocated.


Why Dogs Breed: Dogs Have No Choice

If dogs are not neutered, they go through estrus, a time when hormones dictate that they must find a mate to mate with. If you live in a certain environment, but there are few dogs around, and they are raised in captivity, then the dog has no choice at all, and can only find these familiar dogs for mating every time it is in heat.


Merchant’s means

The inbreeding of some dogs is actually a method of some businessmen. If the businessmen specialize in breeding dogs and then selling them to make money, they let the dogs breed in the same space, and those dogs come and go.

Also, some people like to pursue the uniqueness of dogs, but some businesses think that some albinism may occur if dogs are inbreeding, so that they can get the unique appearance of dogs.


Dogs don’t have that idea

Inbreeding is defined by humans. In the world of dogs, they actually don’t have this kind of concept, and they don’t even know what morality is, so they may think that there is nothing wrong with inbreeding. .


dependence on mother

There is nothing wrong with a dog’s dependence on its mother. If your mother and brothers and sisters live together, of course the relationship will become very close and the relationship will deepen. Moreover, if you live in one space for a long time, when you encounter the estrus period, it may also cause the dog Dogs have “struck” their siblings, and even their parents.

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