Why do cats sleep in “litter boxes”?

Did you encounter such a strange thing when you were raising a cat?

You have prepared a cat litter for cats, a cat climbing frame, and a luxurious cat cage, but cats don’t like these places.

Only the litter box you prepared for the cat is very popular with cats.

When you can’t find a cat, just go to the litter box and see that the cat is there.

Why does this happen to cats?

Cats like to sleep in the litter box, is there something wrong with them?


A shit shoveling officer left a message. He said that since taking the cat to the veterinary hospital for sterilization, the cat has slept in the litter box and is reluctant to come out.

For 1 week, the cat slept in the litter box.

Seeing this, the shit shovel officer couldn’t change the cat’s behavior in a short time.

So, he hurried to the pet store to buy a new litter box again; there are two litter boxes, one for the cat to sleep in and the other for the cat to defecate.


There are generally 3 reasons why cats like to sleep in the litter box.

1. The kitten enters a new environment and is timid and afraid

The kittens have just left their mother cat’s side, and the world in their eyes is unfamiliar.

The little milk cat comes to your new home with you, in an unfamiliar environment, and the cat is not familiar with everything around it.

Without a buddy, without a mother cat, what can such a small cat do?

Therefore, kittens at this time need a confined space very much.

The cat litter box is the best choice, they hide in the cat litter box and do not want to come out.

Also, the smell left in it will make kittens more and more dependent on the litter box.

This process may take about 10 days.

Until the kitten gradually adapts to your home environment and the cat litter you have prepared for it.


2. The cat is weak and just wants to hide

The cat in the netizen’s house above was just neutered.

This is a big test for cats, both physically and psychologically.

The cat has just experienced a “change”, which makes the cat very scared and afraid to get along with the shit shoveler.

At least for a long time, cats were afraid to go out and deal with strangers.

More precisely:

After the cat was neutered, he became aware of his frailty.

This feeling of weakness makes the cat full of fear for the next life.

Just like when the ancestors of cats lived in the wild, once they noticed that they were unwell, they immediately found a place to hide.


There is a smell in the litter box, and it is a familiar smell to cats.

Sleeping in this environment can give the cat some sense of security.

3. Cats naturally like narrow spaces

In the eyes of cats, the litter box is equivalent to a “large cardboard box”.

The cat’s nature is to burrow and be curious about all the tight spaces.

The cat’s soft body and agile mobility give cats a considerable advantage when they are in a narrow space.

In fact, it is also a cat’s play psychology to hide in the litter box.

Just like the courier you just took home, open the courier box, and the cat will go to sleep in the box in the next second.


If your cat really loves the litter box and doesn’t like the litter box, then prepare a double litter box for the cat.

One for living and one for sleeping.

In other words, prepare a few more boxes for cats at home, preferably in the corner, where it is not easy to be found.

The purpose of this is to give the cat a “hiding place”.

Today’s topic:

Does your cat sleep in the litter box?

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