Why can dogs see things humans can’t?

Many dog ​​shoveling officers have such a problem, that is, the dog at home often does not sleep in the middle of the night, and runs to his room to wake him up. Good door, or wait to be woken up by them.
In fact, dogs like to be noisy at night, mostly because of the following reasons. Interested shit shoveling officers can compare their own dogs. Next time they are noisy, they will know how to deal with it.

▲ Excessive energy, nowhere to release

People have to work every day, and every time they come home, they are exhausted. They just want to fall asleep after eating, but dogs are different. They are locked at home all day, and their strength is nowhere to be used. , especially dogs like huskies, are more energetic and need a lot of exercise.

If the dog’s exercise volume is not released to a certain extent, then they will find things to do by themselves, such as demolishing the house, waking up the shit shovel officer in the middle of the night, and naturally they are also in their itinerary. Therefore, it is recommended that when raising such energetic dogs, you should take them out for a walk every day to ensure that they have a certain amount of exercise.

Some shovelers do not take the method of feeding dogs regularly, and often feed them when they think of it. It’s possible that the owner didn’t even know that he missed a meal at night, then they were hungry, so they would naturally remind the shoveling officer that they were hungry through a noisy way.

Therefore, in the usual feeding process, the shoveling officer should develop a habit of regular and quantitative feeding, which is also a guarantee for the health of the dogs. If they are often hungry, it will also hurt their stomachs. Shit shoveling officers can pour some dog food into their dog bowls before going to bed, so that they will not bother their owners when they are hungry, and they can get enough food and clothing by themselves.

When dogs are in a heat cycle, they can be noisy, not only won’t sleep at night, but they’ll be disruptive, peeing all over the house to mark territory.
If you don’t want to be affected by dogs in heat, you can take them for neutering when they are of age.

We all know that dogs have very sensitive hearing, and they can hear some very faint sounds. If there is a thief in the house, they can detect it quickly and will wake up the owner by constantly calling.
In addition, like some puppies, they have just come to a new home, they can’t adapt to the new environment, and they will bark. The owner can put the kennel close to him to make the dog feel safe, which will improve the situation a lot.

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