
When do guppies breed? If you don’t know, come and find out!

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Guppies are a kind of tropical ornamental fish that many aquarists like. They have high ornamental value and have always been known as the beauty of fish. Therefore, many people want to raise guppies, but ornamental fish are relatively weak. There are many feeding precautions. When feeding guppies, you need to pay attention to its breeding period. Many people do not know when guppies usually breed. Today, I will show you how many months guppies usually breed.


1. Guppies give birth to small fish in several months

The breeding time of guppies is not limited by seasons. As long as the breeder can ensure that the living environment of guppies is suitable for reproduction, guppies can be produced once a month or so. The growth rate of guppies is relatively fast. Under normal circumstances, guppies can reproduce when they are about 3-6 months old. If breeders want to breed guppies, they must prepare a comfortable environment for guppies and select suitable broodstock.


2. How do guppies reproduce

1. Select broodstock: Guppies generally mature in about 3-6 months, and breeders are best to choose broodstock of about 4-5 months. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the shape, color and character of the guppy.

2. Prepare the breeding environment: It is necessary to prepare a comfortable breeding environment for guppies, which is conducive to better mating and reproduction of guppies. It is best to install a heating rod to keep the water temperature between 23-28°C. Also keep the pH between 7.2-7.4.

3. Mating: Guppies are ovoviviparous fish. When guppies mate, the male fish will put the reproductive feet into the cloaca of the female fish and complete the insemination.

4. Production: It takes 20-30 days after the guppies are fertilized before the small fish are born. The guppies usually produce small fish in about 3 hours. The small fish cannot move very well when they are just born. The breeder can wait for the guppies to move freely before trying to feed them.

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