
What kind of experience is it to keep a goat as a pet?

I hope that everyone will not be like me, picking up a sheep when you have nothing to do.

It has many names, because it does not want to recognize every name, so it is the same name. Today it likes you, if you call it Ergozi, it will jump over with joy; wait until tomorrow, it will bother you Now, your name is Baa Baa, dear, it will only look at you indifferently.

We picked it up on the highway, when it was just born, it couldn’t stand still, according to my dad, it should be a large flock of sheep to be transported to the slaughterhouse, one of the ewes gave birth to it on the road, it is small , was squeezed out of the car.

Then we picked it up.

We gave it a bath. At that time, its hair was not much, and it was curled up against its body. It stood tremblingly on the towel. The horns had not yet developed, and there were only two small protrusions.

At that time, my mind was full of “Who ever raised sheep!!”

We went to the supermarket to buy goat milk powder, bought a baby bottle, cut the mouth of the bottle open, and gave it milk to drink.


At that time, I looked through the books, and they all said that sheep are docile and stupid animals.

Maybe I raised a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

The milk powder is too little, and the goat milk is too weak. It is absolutely not to drink. Excuse me, a new born lamb has no breast milk to drink. What qualifications are there to dislike labor?

In infancy, its disadvantage is just a picky mouth.

When it was a child, its character had tended to mutate, and it might have suffered from some kind of mental illness in the sheep tribe.

At the time, because we didn’t come up with a solution in time to solve his excretion problem, the wool from his hips to the hind legs was disgusting yellow. After I figured out a solution, I used various cleaning products, but it still did not solve its yellow hair, so I planned to wait for it to grow up and cut the hair.

But because the yellow hair is ugly, I only take it out for a walk in the early morning or afternoon when there are few people.

It’s really sick. on a spiritual level.

It doesn’t like climbing stairs, and it doesn’t like going up and down stairs.

What right has a sheep not to like climbing stairs! The ancestors stepped on the rocks on the mountain!

There are few stairs in the house, so it is willing to jump a few times. There is an elevator when going out, and it is also very quiet and not noisy. Once in the park, as soon as the long stairs are exposed, it will stop in place with a face full of unwillingness.

I insisted on going up, and it dawdled after me.

I walked up to the last step and looked back at it, it stopped halfway, lay on the ground and looked at me very indifferently.

But how could I give in like this?

I picked it up and gave it a nasty lesson.

Extremely cruel.

It has a peculiar hobby, like to build haystacks. I don’t know what attracts it so much, maybe it’s the little people in nature.

The way he plunged into it looked so stupid, so sick, and so embarrassing to me.


You go, I don’t have a sheep like you.

When it grows up, considering that the yellow hair is unsightly, and it will not be cold in summer, it is sheared, but the hair on the hind legs is short and yellow, and it is powerless to return to the sky.

Pick up the socialist wool!

This is what it looks like after it’s done:


Where did this priest come from? Can’t you stay at my house?

Master, why do you eat so much?

Daoist, you return my little cute sheep.

Sheep’s sense of taste seems to be insensitive. I once gave my pets chili peppers, and the dog kept sticking out its tongue after biting it, but the sheep chewed it properly, with a calm and indifferent expression.

Oh you said cat? Cats don’t want to eat.

When raising pets, tape wrapped around electrical wires is necessary at home, but this is not useful for sheep.

It really likes to bite the wires!

It has reached the point of becoming obsessed with magic.

And the cats and dogs were playing with the wires. I rushed up with a single stride, and I was able to rescue them. As long as the sheep mouths, there is basically no possibility of the wire being resurrected. From the inside out, the liver and intestines are broken and torn apart.

Also, it likes my dad, and stubbornly treats my dad as the eldest sheep or his mother. I think it is the latter, and my dad insists that it is the former.

Once my dad left for work.

It just started standing in the center of the living room calling out for love.

Who said baa baa baa is particularly cute?

It sounds horrible and scary, okay?

It’s not a soft and cute coquettish like “咩~”, but a shout like “Drink!!!”. The ending trembled, as loud as a child’s cry.

As soon as it shouted, I went to the living room and stared at it grimly: “Don’t make any noise.”

It continued to shout.

Me: “Abaa, stop arguing.”

It’s still shouting.

I was angry: “He’s gone! Stop shouting!”

It stopped and looked at me aggrieved.

My mother may never have imagined that her rival in love turned out to be a sheep.

And also a ram.

Fortunately, this kind of thing never happened again after it grew up. As soon as my dad left, it automatically came to my side, stood against my calf, closed his eyes and rested.

No, I only stick to the lamb, not you crooked Taoist priest.

After it grows up, all kinds of neurosis-like manifestations in childhood no longer exist, and it becomes calm and calm, with an immortal style. In addition to the same disgust for stairs, I was playing Jianwang III for a while, and every time I saw it meet with the neighbor’s husky, I had the illusion that the arena was pure Yang Hanging Tiance.

Also, to this day, it still has a switch to start sick mode at any time.

That’s the horns.

Sheep horns, untouchable. Although I like to touch, because the texture is really good.

I haven’t studied the physiology of sheep, and I don’t know if there are nerves on the horns, so I can’t touch them.

Anyway, I touch it often.

Originally, I couldn’t touch it at all. After my long-term torture, I can touch it now. It has the right granted to me, but I can’t grab it. When I grab the horn, it seems to be turned on by some strange mode. , jumped up violently, and then jumped back and forth in place. If I keep holding on to it, it will raise its front hooves angrily, swooping down and attacking me with its horns.

It didn’t work, I just couldn’t stop.

One day it will go from being used to being touched by me to being used to being caught by me.

Once I took it for a walk, walked a little further, passed a restaurant, there was a car parked outside, and there was only one sheep in the car, the breed looked exactly the same as it.

The sheep were being killed in the backyard of the restaurant, and the screams of the sheep sounded very pitiful and spread thousands of miles. My sheep stopped and looked at me with puzzled eyes. I looked at its innocent look and thought that if it hadn’t fallen off the highway, it would have ended just like these sheep. Maybe I have to thank it Mother, kicked it out of the car in the chaos.

From this, the last picture is named “It’s time to cook”:



Sheep really “kneel” and if you put the bottle low, it has to kneel down to drink.

I eat lamb, just don’t eat it.


Reply together.

See the plastic bag on the sheep’s butt? There was a small cut on it, and as soon as it was drained, the plastic bag was dumped directly to clean it up.

If there is a better way, please contact me.

The feed is fodder, it looks like hay, and the snack is goat milk.

It’s not stinky. The sheep are clean and have no smell. They will bathe with pet shampoo.

The sheep slept in a wooden hut, which was specially made for it, and the house smelled, so it was put on an abandoned balcony.

We have considered sending it away, and we have sent it away, and sent it to a family on the mountain. As a result, it cried for several days, did not enter the flock, and was sent back by others.

It’s a ram, I guess.

Not yet in heat, the future is still unknown.

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