What do dogs think when they are hit?

Many owners like to beat their dogs as punishment when their dogs do something wrong or are not as good as they want. So what will the dog think after being beaten? It is difficult for us to fully understand the specific thinking process of dogs, but there are generally the following psychological reactions.


1. feel confused

When petting a dog by hand, the dog often cannot understand why you hit it. It will not connect the result with the cause of what happened. It only has a deep impression that you hit it. If you hit it again After several times, it will judge it as a very fierce person who will beat it.


2. Feel scared

Most dogs are afraid after being beaten, especially some timid or sensitive dogs may hide from their owners for several days after being beaten, and dare not approach them. If you strike harder and hit harder, it may leave a psychological shadow, and you will feel frightened when seeing you in the future.


3. Depression

Many dogs with gentle personalities are very close and like their masters, and they are very trustful and dependent on their masters. After being beaten by the owner, it doesn’t know why it was beaten. It may feel that the owner doesn’t like itself, and it will be depressed, showing symptoms of depression, and will quietly hide in the corner, not wanting to eat.


4. Hatred

Not all dogs are very docile to their owners. Some dogs with strong personalities will feel unconvinced after being beaten, and will show a mental state of hatred for their owners. Generally, this kind of dog is spoiled and spoiled. It is not completely obedient to you, and may turn to bite its own master the next time it is beaten.


Ways to correct your dog’s mistakes:

When a dog does something wrong, beating the dog is not a good training method. It is best to guide the dog. We can train the dog with snack rewards. For example, the dog is not tired of goat cheese. Give it some rewards when it is good, the dog will be more active in training, and understand that it will be beneficial to do so, and gradually develop good habits.


Dogs should be raised in a scientific and reasonable way, and you should also pay attention to the dog’s diet at ordinary times. You should not feed it salty food, otherwise it will cause metabolic problems in the dog, and aggravate hair loss and tear stains. It is best to choose a low-salt and light dog food, such as “Greedy Dog Food”, which also contains psyllium + duck meat to reduce fire, which can relieve the dog’s tear marks caused by diet. The owner can usually scrub the dog’s eye sockets to remove tear stains.

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