
These 4 Changes When Your Dog Falls In Love With Someone!

Most dogs are very loyal to their owners, but some dogs are very vengeful, and some dogs are empathetic. When the dog has the following 4 changes, it may fall in love with others (the “others” below refer to). If your dog is caught, it will be very worrying!


1. If you ignore you, you will become a jerk to “others”

Except for those dogs with great personality and ego, under normal circumstances, dogs are very clingy to their owners and often follow behind their owners. But if one day, it starts to ignore you, but starts to stick to “others”, and behaves very dog-legged, that is the beginning of its empathy.


2. When you and “other” call it at the same time, it will respond to “other” first

A dog who is loyal to you should bark at any time. If someone calls it at the same time as you, it will come to you, but after your status in its heart drops, it will first respond to people with a higher status than you, so When you call it “other” at the same time, it will respond to “other” first, and you have to see if it is in love with “other”.


3. You will be very happy when you see “others”

When he sees someone he likes, he can’t help but follow, and his body will exude a pleasant breath, so when he sees “others”, he is very happy, and he will go up to lick “others” and ignore you. , you have to reflect on when it fell in love with someone else.


4. Take the initiative to give the toy to “others”, indicating to play with it

When he has a good impression of “others”, the dog will take the initiative to share his toys and invite him to play with him, so he will give his toys to “others” in front of you and “others”, you should feel chilled.


There are many reasons why a dog can have the above changes, but they are all related to the owner. It may be that he has a deep grudge against the owner and suddenly encounters a person who treats him a lot better, or it may be that he doesn’t treat you as his owner, and he never takes you as his master. I don’t recognize you in my heart, and when there is someone who makes it recognized, my heart changes.


If you don’t want your dog to treat others as masters, you have to do it first, let it obey you, establish prestige and establish a relationship of trust, and these can be obtained through training. When training a dog, you must master the method, learn to combine rewards and punishments, don’t just punish, and properly reward some dog treats or other, it will increase its interest in training.


Finally, as a responsible and good dog owner, you should be responsible for its health, consider its diet, try to make it eat better, and reduce the chance of getting sick. For example, choose some good dog food to feed. Here we recommend natural dog food that is not greasy, low-salt formula, 0 additives, contains a variety of nutrients that dogs need, and is easy to absorb and digest, which is beneficial to the dog’s health.


Conclusion: Does your dog have the above 4 kinds of performance?

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