The world’s three major non-aggressive dog breeds, gentle and cute

We always want to raise some cute dogs to accompany us in our lives, because the current city has a fast pace of life and work, and we rarely have time to socialize with people slowly. Most of the time we are in our own space, so dogs have become the first choice for many of us. They can always wait for you at home and accompany you, so that we are not so lonely.

Moreover, many families also like to feed dogs to add some anger at home, but dogs should also be considered as appropriate, because some pets are not so docile and may pose a certain threat to children. So what are the best dogs to keep with your family?

Type 1: Golden Retriever

You must know that the golden retriever has always been a kind of pet dog that the public prefers, and it is first-class in terms of appearance and IQ. How can people not love such an excellent dog! In addition, the IQ of the golden retriever ranks fourth in the dog world, and it is also strong in learning and imitation. It is very suitable for training and is often the first choice for guide dogs and other dog breeds.

Anyone who has raised them knows that Golden Retriever’s character is incredibly docile, and he is very friendly to children. There are few hurtful incidents, and even baby Golden Retriever can get along very well with it. Because of these characteristics, it has always been the first choice for family pet dogs. Most of them have golden hair and are as warm as the sun, and they are indeed worthy of the image of warm men.

Type II: Husky

It’s not surprising that Er Ha was selected. Don’t look at this guy’s usual reputation as a troublemaker, and his appearance is very similar to his distant relative, the wolf, giving people a cold and cold feeling. People who don’t know will feel that the huskies look dignified when they are serious, but those who know them know that this guy can’t be serious for more than three seconds. Different from the golden retriever, Erha’s IQ can be said to be worrying. Perhaps people often say “simple-minded, well-developed limbs” are referring to these guys.

The Husky belongs to the Siberian Husky and is one of the most primitive and ancient dog breeds, originating in northeastern Siberia and southern Greenland. Huskies are also one of the most friendly dog ​​breeds. They are very docile and lively, and they like to play with children. But there are often many funny incidents because of IQ problems, but it is undeniable that it is indeed a dog breed suitable for living with children.

Third: Labrador Retriever

This is also a super docile breed, they hardly attack humans and can be said to be extremely friendly. And these guys are not wary at all, often smirking and smirking at everyone. Labrador Retrievers get along very docilely with people, and even when they are bullied, they seldom resist, often avoiding and never fighting back.

It is precisely because of the docile personality of Labrador retrievers that it is also the main frequent visitor of guide dogs, search and rescue dogs and other dog breeds. In addition, Labrador Retrievers are neither dull nor overactive, and are very calm and temperamental without much change. Be kind to people, be loyal to people. Like to play, especially like to play games with others

It is precisely because they get along with humans that they are extremely friendly and are collectively referred to as “the world’s three major non-aggressive dog breeds”, so if you want to keep a pet at home, you can consider these three kinds of dogs if you are worried about the safety of children at home. I believe it can make the babies at home have a good time playing.

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