The owner gave the parrot chili, and this happened!

The owner eats chili peppers for the parrot, please hold back and stop laughing in the next second, the camera records the whole process

Now more and more people like to keep a small pet, and some interesting things will happen from time to time in the house. Some small pets no longer consider themselves outsiders because they have been with their owners for a long time, and they want to eat when they see what their owners eat.

That day, the owner wanted to drink some wine, poured a glass and put it on the table, and then got up to get something, the pet dog ran over and drank the wine in the glass. After half a glass, the dog was drunk. , involuntarily sticking out his tongue. The owner can’t do it if he wants to put it back.

The parrot below is even more hilarious. The owner eats chili peppers for the parrot, please hold back and stop laughing in the next second, the camera records the whole process! The owner bought a few peppers when he went out to buy vegetables, and then saw the parrot greeting him, and handed a pepper to the parrot.

I saw the parrot landed on one leg, and then the other leg grabbed the pepper and put it in its mouth to eat. This kind of pepper is very spicy, I didn’t expect the parrot to eat it with relish, and this scene appeared after a few seconds. The parrot’s little tongue seemed to feel the spicy taste, and the tongue kept shaking, and then tried to open the water pipe to drink water.

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