
The cockatiel with its own makeup among the pet birds, these two bright little blushes are too cute

Although parrots are very lovable, at present, the vast majority of parrots are rare animals under international protection, especially in our country, only three kinds of parrots are allowed to be kept privately, namely budgerigars and cockatiels. and peach-faced peony parrots. These three species of parrots are excluded from conservation programs on the Washington Convention (CITES) appendix and can be kept privately.

In fact, there is another kind of parrot outside the appendix that is not protected by the Convention, and that is the red-collared green parrot.

So don’t look at the many kinds of parrots that are often kept as pets, but the three that can be legally raised in our country are budgerigars, peach-faced peony parrots and cockatiels. They each have their own looks and characteristics, and I think the most playful one is the cockatoo. The name Cockatiel is the official biological name, and it has a better name in the pet world called Cockatiel. Sounds pretty cool.

The most distinctive feature of the cockatiel is that it is born with its own makeup. This pair of little blushes is really indescribably cute, like a shy two-dimensional girl. Most of the cockatiels on the market are yellow and white. In fact, this is not the primary color of the cockatiel, but the color selected by the pet developers. The wild cockatiel is gray, but there are also a pair on the cheeks. Blush.

After nearly a hundred years of domestication and breeding, cockatiels have many colors and gene types to choose from, including yellow face, yellow, cinnamon, pearl, pat, waller, etc., each with its own characteristics, and even some The all-white cockatiel exists and looks particularly noble. This type of artificially bred Xuanfeng with a white feather mutation is not albino. The animals with albinism usually have a pair of red eyes because of the disorder of melanin synthesis. This is the difference between albino and white mutant animals.

Regarding the food of cockatiels, they are herbivorous birds. Their staple food is berries, young leaves, nuts, grains and seeds. In their native Australia, they often visit farmland in groups, sometimes causing Peasant uncles are quite a headache. Therefore, in residential areas in Australia, you can often see artificially placed water basins and food basins, which are used for food and water for passing parrots, so as to reduce the damage to crops.

Cockatiels are also characterized by a cluster of long feathers on the top of their heads. This is typical of the cockatoo family. Sunflower cockatoos, salmon-colored cockatoos, and great white cockatoos all have such a tuft of hair, but they vary in color and size. This bunch of dull hair is called the feather crest, which is an important social tool for cockatoos. The shit shoveling officer can also try to figure out the mood of the cockatiel by observing the shape of the feather crest.

Generally speaking, when the cockatiel is in a calm and peaceful mood, the crest is slanted back. When the cockatiel is suddenly frightened or nervous, the crest will stand upright, standing upright on the top of the head like an antenna. If Xuanfeng is in a good mood and wants to play, the feather crest will vibrate up and down, or stand up slightly, which looks like a folding fan when viewed from the side. These are just general situations, and there will be many different changes depending on Xuanfeng’s mood. Observing these changes is also the fun of the shit shoveling officer raising a cockatiel.

Of all parrots, larger parrots generally live longer, as opposed to dogs. Xuanfeng is a medium-sized parrot. Their lifespan in the wild is about ten years, and their lifespan in captivity is between fifteen and twenty-five years. There are also old birthday stars of more than 30 years. This is related to their diet, nutrition, exercise, Social interactions, etc. have a lot to do with it. Cockatiels are very affectionate birds, and their IQ is not low. If they are raised from a young age, they will be very clingy. If they directly develop Nian Xuanfeng, they need a lot of patience from the shit shovel officer to cultivate feelings with them.

Cockatiels also have certain needs for exercise, and most of the parrots are social animals that live in groups and are eager to interact with their companions or owners. Therefore, the cockatiel is not suitable for keeping in a cage all day long. Although it looks cute, it does not Not ornamental birds in the traditional sense, but highly interactive pets that must be released from their cages on time to play or use open cages and parrot poles, and provide them with toys and The shit shoveler takes the time to play with them and have friendly exchanges with them.

Many people also want to ask if cockatiels will be very noisy. In fact, no matter parrots or other birds, most of them will practice their voice with daily singing, and the same is true of cockatiels, and males prefer to call more than females. In addition, Xuanfeng also has the ability to learn tongues, but the tongue itself is not as flexible as some large parrots, mynaes, birds and other birds, but it can also learn some simple and unrapturous phrases, and whistle various songs.

Parrot training course introduction:

1. Primary skills – a total of 12 – (getting started – calling far – circling – drilling tube – passing the bar – passing the finger – flipping the bar – shaking hands – entering the cage – returning to the frame – kissing – salute).

2. Intermediate skills – a total of 15 {flop – coin – coin deposit box – ring – shooting – paper money – cigarette – picking up garbage – socks – petal ring, etc. – weightlifting – skateboarding Downhill – carts – slides – dogs eat money, cigarette butts into ashtrays, etc.-)

3. Advanced skills – 11 in total (stepping on the ball – sliding the slide – firing guns, ghost grinding – rolling, raising the national flag, playing dead – bowling, stepping on the trash can to throw garbage, opening treasure chests, opening drawers, riding a bicycle)

All birds can be trained, as long as they are parrots, including some stunt birds, they can train their relatives and other skills in the wild for a few years.

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