The cat was forced to take a selfie! “Cartoon Scary Face”!

This cat named Feifei is simply not too cute. Although he has a very docile personality and likes to be coquettish with others, as long as he is hugged, the boss will show an unhappy expression.

In addition, the mother’s love is always so enthusiastic, which makes Feifei want to run away when he sees his mother!

Some time ago, my mother took the opportunity to launch a love offensive against Fei Fei again. Fat Fei, who was held in her arms by her mother, showed a terrified expression of desperate struggle. Her eyes were still wide open, revealing large whites, and she looked very reluctant. , like a cartoon character, this expression is so funny!

Fatty: Help… help! The twisted melon is not sweet!

Such an interesting Fei Fei was abandoned by the former owner before. Mom immediately fell in love with the photo of Fei Fei on the Internet. She felt that it was super plump and decided to compile it. Moreover, Fei Fei didn’t eat much. She was born fat. There are 14 pounds.

However, in the face of such a small fat cat, it seems that there is no self-control not to go crazy and “ravage” it, I wish I could kiss it to death!

It seems that all poop shoveling officers have a common problem. Take pictures with cats and care about their expressions. It is important to be beautiful, hahaha!

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