Pet cat stands on top of human’s head to drink water from shower as he takes a bath

The video showing a cat standing on top of a human’s head to drink water from shower was posted on Reddit.

Is there anything truly better on the Internet than the amazing – and often hilarious videos – capturing different antics of cats? If your answer to that question is yes, then here is a video that will leave kitty-lovers like you very happy. The video captures a cat climbing on top of a human’s head as he takes a shower. And why did the cat do it? To drink water coming out of the shower.

The video is shared on Reddit with a single-word caption that reads, “Thirsty.” The video opens to show a cat perched on top of a human’s head and drinking water coming out of the shower’s nozzle. Throughout the video, the kitty keeps its position as it quenches its thirst. What makes the already funny video even more hilarious to watch is the man’s expression to the incident.

The video was posted about a day ago. Since being shared, the clip has accumulated close to 82,000 upvotes and the numbers are only increasing. Additionally, the share has also received tons of comments.

Here’s how Reddit users reacted:

“How kind of you to offer your head as a stepping stone to the water, since this poor cat has clearly never had water in his life,” joked a Reddit user. “I mean, it’s not like providing shelter, meals, petting it, fancy boxes and toys are enough,” joined another. “Dude’s expression is priceless,” commented a third. “One of my cats is like this. Despite the fact that we have a self-refilling bowl with fresh water constantly, he’ll always seek out the bathtub after someone takes a shower and stand under the faucet and meow until you turn it on,” shared a fourth. “Good cat dad,” wrote a fifth.

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