It would be a pity not to let this parrot read its IQ!

We all know that in addition to human beings, parrots are one of the most talking animals. Parrots are very interesting when they speak human words. When some people raise parrots, they will teach parrots to say some simple words. And the parrot’s ability to imitate is also very strong. For example, the owner often says hello to him, and the parrot will say hello over time.

There is a lady who has domesticated a parrot. This parrot is not an ordinary parrot. The owner has trained it to be a parrot that can go to the toilet by herself. Maybe it is the first parrot in the toilet. It’s poop! I have to say that this parrot is very smart, and I have to admire the patience of this woman. Because birds are rectal, they cannot control their poop.

In fact, this parrot can not only imitate some simple words, but also imitate some other human behaviors. The parrot will also learn from the owner to use the toilet to go to the toilet. The magic is that it will turn on the faucet to flush the water after going to the toilet, and then go to take a bath. , it can be said that it is very powerful.

If you have such a pet at home, it can be said that it is the dream of all shovelers, mainly for people who love cleanliness, then this parrot is an ideal pet, and it can also bring you a lot of fun in life. .

Generally, those smart parrots are raised by girls, because those girls will teach parrots to learn something seriously and patiently. So this parrot is smarter than the average parrot under the training of its owner. In fact, when the parrot is bathing, it not only plays with water, but also washes every part of its body, such as head, feet and body.

In fact, this kind of behavior is learned from her master, because it may also learn this after watching the master take a bath. It can be said that the master who can teach animals so many special skills is very powerful. In fact, all pets are not stupid, it mainly depends on how the owner guides it, whether they can repeat those cares tirelessly, over time, smart pets will not fail you!

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