Is it possible to keep octopuses as pets?

can be raised. It’s just that raising octopuses is lonely. This animal is rather ferocious. So only have one. And the fish tank has to be designed by itself, and it will climb out by itself.

This question asks the ultimate question of how to raise octopuses.

The three most difficult creatures to keep in the aquarium: octopus, shark and jellyfish.

The water tank has basically transitioned from the realm of raising fish to the realm of tuning filters. The steps will be a lot more complicated, more expensive, and at the same time, more fun. Because if you are lucky, you can buy seahorses, sea dragons, octopuses, squid, sea urchins, slugs and other strange little creatures from the fish boss.

In addition to the two freshwater fish rearing factors, water temperature and nitrogen levels, you also need to consider issues specific to seawater such as water hardness and salinity. It’s impossible to take care of it every two or three days like a freshwater fish, because water evaporates every day and salt doesn’t.

Because of the high salinity of seawater, there is no need to worry about infecting parasites when reaching out directly, but most of the fish in seawater are poisonous.

The home needs to have sea salt and a tank of water to be changed (tap water is not tolerated).

Basically you can keep it.

—————————————————— Living and Dead Water ——————————————————

Every seasoned aquarium enthusiast walks over with thousands of souls and corpses.

Changing the water and dead fish are the two most profound things for all fish farmers: .

Who dares to say no? ! Let’s fight three hundred rounds!


The most important thing about aquarium is to be in one word water. You can see from my answer that you need more water and more water.

serious answer

1 There are four types of water:

1.1 New water, that is, tap water that has just been dried or freshly drilled well water. Although this water is very clean, it is very different from the environment in which fish live in nature. Since there is no nitrifying bacterial community in the water, fish excrement and scattered food residues are decomposed into ammonia after spoilage, and fish are easily poisoned.

1.2 The old water is light green or light amber, rich in humus and beneficial microorganisms and algae, and has established a good ecological cycle system. After nitrogen cycle, it is decomposed into nitrates that are harmless to fish. This water is extremely beneficial for the growth of fish.

1.3 Green water, the content of organic matter in the water is too much, so blue algae, green algae and brown algae multiply, the content of bacteria and microorganisms increases sharply, the water is thick green, and sometimes it smells bad, which can easily lead to the death of the whole tank of fish. .

1.4 Back to clear water, also known as biting clear water, is the green water with too much algae and microorganisms, which exhausts the oxygen in the water, causing the death of algae and aerobic bacteria, making the water extremely clear, devoid of oxygen and full of air. Stagnant water with lots of anaerobic harmful bacteria.

If the water is clear, there will be no fish. Generally, it is the first and fourth types of water.

The water is blue and green, the bottom of which can be seen at a thousand feet, fishes play with stones, and there is no hindrance to looking directly. It is the second type, which is light green translucent water.

If you Baidu to the above answer, then come back and scolded me for infringing other people’s copyright.

I am here to tell you solemnly that this answer was written by Lao Tzu on Baidu! ! ! !

Therefore, to successfully obtain a tank of old water is basically a success.

but how?

1 Find a friend who is a fish farmer, and ask him to order the exchanged water, and then order the bottom sand. It is best if you can get the filter ring inside the filter.

The premise is that people understand and are willing to give it to you. If you don’t understand. A change of customer is recommended.

2 Insist on raising fish without changing the water

The premise is that you have enough money.

3. Cultivate a fish tank that can turn out old water by yourself.

Simply put, it is to raise a large number of bacteria to help you decompose strange things in the water.

In general, there are two kinds:

1 Nitrifying bacteria

It’s an oxygen-loving bacterium, so it’s a joy for them to live in a place that’s bubbling and bubbling all day long. Therefore, you can find them in the filter bleed pump or where the water just came out of the pump.

Their main task is to turn fish carcasses and fecal decomposition products (mainly ammonia) into nitrates. Nitrates are good fertilizers for aquatic plants.

2 Denitrifying bacteria

This is a bacteria that hates oxygen, so living in a dirty place is a very happy thing for them. Therefore, you can find them in the middle of the filter, where the water flow is slow, there is no bubbles, or the bottom sand.

Their main task is to turn nitrates into nitrogen gas, and then back into the air.

Cultivating denitrifying bacteria is a very anti-human activity. You see, there is a reverse in his name.

The reason is that an anaerobic environment is difficult to construct. Only the best aquarium enthusiasts would think to play this.

But in order to raise octopuses and jellyfish, which are extremely sensitive to water quality, you have to do this again.

By and large, both bacteria are self-reliant, and their seeds are in the air.

If you want to speed up the process, there are ready-made nitrifying bacteria powders on the market, but I haven’t tried them, so I don’t know the effect.

I used a boot made of yogurt root back then. Bought two dead fish by the way.

After about a month, the nitrifying and denitrifying bacterial communities are ready.

Back then, the freshwater fish tank did not change the water for 5 years, and only supplemented the historical records of the evaporated water.

These bacteria are very tenacious, freshwater and seawater can be eaten, they can be cultivated in freshwater, and then moved to the seawater tank.

A lot of things happen in the water, pick a few things that happen often:

1 burst algae

My dad once consulted me and said that the goldfish tank at home was always green, and even the fish could not be seen.

That’s a typical algae burst, and it boils down to the following reasons:

1.1 The colony of denitrifying bacteria is immature

Because that fish tank has no bottom sand, the filter is also a water goblin that bubbles all day long.

1.2 No suitable nitrate outlet

To put it bluntly, there are no aquatic plants. Why not plant it? Because goldfish eat aquatic plants.

(I really can’t understand why aquarium creatures always forget to eat and fight)

OK, here comes the question:

Did you feed the goldfish?


Have goldfish grown up?


Where did the fish food go?

turned into fish shit.

Did you get the same amount of poop as the fish food you fed when you changed the water filter?


So where did the fish food go?

do not know.

It turned into green algae in the water! ! ! ! fall

2 inexplicable dead fish

This is the distress of all aquarium beginners. If you rule out bringing your own parasites and being bullied by your own straw bags.

It boils down to the following reasons:

2.1 Inappropriate water temperature

To put it bluntly, the fish has a cold. There are three main symptoms of fish cold

2.1.1 White spots on the body

2.1.2 The scales stand up

2.1.3 Fish scales or fish mouth mold (white, fluffy)

2.2 The nitrifying bacterial community is immature

There is too much ammonia in the water, which causes the fish to directly enter the blood when breathing, and the poisoning hangs.



In fact, the cultivation of water is the key to aquarium raising, and the whole process should be completed before raising fish. so-called open cylinder


Speaking carefully, opening the tank is divided into the following steps: (Actually, the ecosystem is built in the aquarium)


1 Set up the tank and filter

1.1 Determine the location of the fish tank

The water is heavy, and once the position of the fish tank is established, it is difficult to move.

1.2 Bottom sand

The home of denitrifying bacteria, the substrate for aquatic plants;

For larger fish, use pebbles instead.

1.3 Arrange the filter media

I won’t talk about other filter equipment, they are all embellishments. Biochemical filtration is a must for a worry-free aquarium.

That said, you’ll have to find the right things to house that horde of bacteria that I mentioned earlier.

It is recommended that the filter ring, which is the thing in the picture, has a large surface area and is not divided.

Both nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria are easier to retain.

Synthetic sand, cheap, environmentally friendly and hygienic.


Try to find some rich food for Octopus-kun

Small, living creatures that can survive in the sea, wait on Mr. Octopus in his new home before he comes to yours.

Crabs are not recommended. It is not easy to find such a small thing.

Don’t look for too small creatures like brine shrimp, that’s not in the octopus recipe.

I recommend preparing two types of shellfish, one fish, and one shrimp for the octopus to choose from.

One thing to make sure: you’re looking for something you’ve seen before.

So generally speaking, clams are a good choice.

In addition, don’t forget, you also asked to bring Octopus-kun’s “friend”, so let’s wait and wait for you.

2 Please try to match the actual light every day

Especially these two days are more important. This is why it was said before that the lights should be dimmed. LED’s.

If you are lazy, you can replace it with two fluorescent lamps to ensure that you can distinguish: night, early morning, day, and dusk.

3 Don’t stare at people all day long

He can see you too, so please don’t walk back and forth in that room.

F find out the living habits of this grandson

When you find that there are fewer octopus friends in the aquarium, then this grandson basically lives at ease.

When the octopus-kun’s house has nothing to eat, it will infiltrate for two days, and then you can start this step.

1 Put some shellfish at home to see if he eats them in a hurry;

2 Put some fish at home and see if he eats it in a hurry;

Because octopuses don’t feel particularly the same about two things. Please treat it like a hungry little goldfish that has never seen the world.

Otherwise, it would be bad if this grandson died.

Here, there is no way to provide you with too detailed information, because the habits of each octopus are slightly different.

They are really smart! ! ! !

But according to my observation, octopus prefer to eat fish, maybe shellfish is too troublesome to eat. If he is not in a hurry to eat shellfish, he can hold shellfish for a long time at his house. Saved by the time it was too late to starve him later.

But I turned out that octopus also likes to eat shells… eh, I’m irritable.

G He settled down

1 All in all, if the feeding goes well, Octopus-kun will settle down within a week. Then you can feed normally.

2 If you don’t know what to feed at the beginning, you must feed less. Aquarium creatures are generally supported to death, not starved to death.

3 Please accurately record the size of the octopus, you can observe it when drilling the circle.

4 Please use growing up as a small indicator of whether you are feeding too much. If your octopus is an adult when you arrive.

H Never try to head and tail food in the same aquarium


One time, I wanted to try it myself, but he almost jumped out… Fortunately, I was feeding shells. It’s just that there is a suction cup mark on his hand, and his claws are also covered by the aquarium lid…

Of course, if you use other design ideas, it will be fine….

I heard that other octopuses are very docile, such as Paul, but this one in my family always wants to jump out and kiss my hand……

I carry out a normal feeding


1 Monitor water quality every day

Including salinity, temperature, nitrogen content, oxygen content. Of course, the third one is not particularly easy to monitor. Pay attention to the mental state of the live rock.

Oxygen level if you don’t want to check, add a powerful enough air pump to the filter, although it will be noisy..

Otherwise, he might go crazy and spray juice everywhere…don’t ask how I knew that!!!!! I won’t tell you that my house had a power outage that day….I gave it back to the aquarium later The box is equipped with a special backup power supply, I will talk nonsense! ?


2 Observe his mental state

Sometimes Octopus-kun will get sick, although this is not common, I have no special experience in treating diseases, and I have never used medicine. So sorry in advance.

3 feeding

After finding out the living habits, it is basically no problem to feed every day.

He grows up as much as you feed him, how much he feeds, how big he grows. Because people are mollusks…

4 Play with him.

If you are not alone at home, there is still a lot to play.



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