
How can the dog be played when the dog is hostile to the owner?

Many people have puppies at home, and puppies are cute and loyal. However, after some owners hit puppies for no reason, puppy started to revenge. But everyone said, how do I know that puppies hate me? I believe that after reading this article, you will know if your puppy hates you?


The puppy’s IQ is very high. If it starts to remember you, there are usually these performances. First, start calling you constantly. If this puppy loves its owner, then it is very docile to the owner, and he also obediently obey the instructions issued by the owner. But if you find that your dog suddenly starts to call you, this may be that puppy is protesting or expressing dissatisfaction with you.

Second, the puppy started to dismantle home. If the dog owner returns home one day, he finds that the house suddenly becomes messy. The ground is full of books or clothes that puppy bite, it means that the puppy starts to hate you. For this kind of thing, the dog owner must pay attention to it, to seize the opportunity to correct the dog, otherwise this puppy will only hate you more and more in the future. Third, no matter how you call a puppy, ignore you. In the past, you may find that when you have not entered the door, the puppy has shook his head and welcomes you at the door. But now you enter the house, telling it to ignore you several times, which shows that the puppy has regarded you as air and is already angry with you. This reason may be that you often call its name when you punish puppies, so now you hear your name, it thinks you are going to punish it again. Therefore, it is recommended that the dog owner should not bring the dog’s name when punishing the puppy.

Third, the puppy wrangled in the house. You find that the dogs who have been able to urinate in the past suddenly randomly pulling the urine in the house, which shows that it is revenge on you. The method is that you can use the newspaper to dip the dog’s feces, so it will go to the newspaper to stink on the newspaper in the future. If it can do this, you must give it a reward in time.


Do you think it is easy to see dogs here? In fact, the puppy is a very good partner. Everyone must treat it well and supplement it for it. The dogs that are full may be more obedient.

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