A dog’s “sleeping position” originally represented its personality

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In fact, a dog’s personality has a lot to do with its owner, so even dogs of the same breed have different personalities raised by different owners. Now I know that the original dog’s “sleeping position” represents its personality. Character, netizen: Too accurate!


1. Curl up to sleep

Personality: Sensitive, alert, insecure

When the weather is cold, the dog curls up to sleep to keep warm, but if the dog likes to curl up to sleep at any time, it shows that its personality is more sensitive, and it also shows its distrust of the owner and the home environment.

It is best for the owner to give him more company so that he can feel your love for him.

2. Sleep on your side

Personality: Easy-going, cheerful and optimistic, easy to get along with

Sleeping on the side is a very relaxing position for a dog, which shows that its character is easy-going and easy to get along with, and it also shows its trust and confidence in the owner and the home environment.

This kind of dog is believed to be liked by everyone. After all, people love each other, and dogs meet dogs.

3. Sleep on all fours

Personality: Lively, bold

If a dog likes to sleep on all fours, its character must be lively and bold. This is also because the owner has given enough sense of security.

With such a dog, the owner is really happy, cherish it!


4. Sleep on your stomach

Personality: Active or alert

The most common sleeping position for dogs is to sleep on their stomachs. Dogs who sleep on their stomachs are more extreme, either they are active, or they are vigilant. Why are they active? It’s because I’m tired and I just lie down and go to sleep. Why do I say vigilance? It’s because this pose allows you to react quickly.

Therefore, the owner needs to judge according to the situation, and can see whether it can enter a deep sleep when it sleeps on its stomach. If it can, it is active, otherwise it is vigilant.


5. Sleep at will

Personality: Impeccable

If a dog sleeps wherever he goes, and his sleeping position is very random, and there are any sleeping positions, then his character is really impeccable, and he must be very pleasing to the owner.

This sleeping position is also a manifestation of its recognition of the master, and the master should take good care of it.

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