Why can dogs meet their owners at the door on time?

Why can dogs greet their owners at the door on time every day? I believe that many shit shovelers will be puzzled by this question. Seeing that their dogs can greet their owners at the door on time every day is not because they have superpowers, but because of these factors. Let’s take a look.

Dog’s farsightedness

As we all know, dogs have average vision and don’t respond so quickly to some static things.

But for dynamic things, it’s different. A dog’s farsightedness is very strong, even if its familiar owner is far away, it can also recognize your movements.

Therefore, it can lie down on the balcony or window and look into the distance waiting for your return, and then when it sees you at the window, it will go to the door to greet you.

dog hearing sensitive

The hearing of dogs is much stronger than that of our humans. Dogs will not bark suddenly, but when their sensitive sensory organs and ears sense some strange people and objects approaching, they will bark outside. stand up.

Therefore, the owner should not often scold it for barking, and the dog will not bark for no reason.

Therefore, the dog has sensitive hearing. It can hear the familiar voice of its owner and can easily distinguish it. It is not surprising to wait at the door on time.

Dogs have a great sense of smell

Anyone who knows dogs knows that dogs have a very strong sense of smell. The dog’s sense of smell is a thousand times that of humans. It can easily smell any smell in the air, and it can also distinguish specific information.

It is not difficult for dogs who rely on their sense of smell to travel the world, combined with their sensitive hearing, to wait for their masters at the door on time in advance.

dog loyal to owner

Once the dog recognizes the owner, it will be very loyal to the owner and trust you. After you go out, some dogs will always move around the door, including eating or playing. They look forward to the owner’s return, and they are afraid When you miss your return, such a dog has a very deep affection for its owner.

In fact, the dog waits for you to come home every day, which means that you are really important to it. It regards you as a family member, and the dog regards you so important.

As a qualified owner, you must take good care of your dog. If you want your dog to grow up healthy and stay with you, you must pay attention to all aspects of the dog, especially the diet, because this is the most important thing for a dog. source of nutrition.

Here it is recommended to choose a high-quality dog food with balanced nutrition as the main food, and usually add some fruits and vegetables as supplementary food, the dog will be healthier. As for how to choose the dog’s staple food, don’t worry, you can read the following article.

For dog food selection, see here

High IQ of dogs

In fact, dogs are very smart. Nowadays, more and more dogs can imitate human behavior, are familiar with human daily life, have their own strong biological clock, have a rough concept of time, get along with their owners day and night, and know what the owner is doing. It’s time to go home, so I can greet the owner at the door on time.

Of course, the dog is so smart and has a strong learning ability. The owner can use this to train the dog’s various skills, and with delicious snacks, the dog will learn it quickly.

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