What should I do if I want to raise a cat but I am afraid that the cat will scratch the sofa?

Use cat scratch tape

Cat scratch tape is useful for making furniture unfriendly to cats. Felines are sensitive to texture, especially on their paws. Cats love to scratch. Part of the reason they do it is to feel good

Putting cat scratch tape on furniture can make cats dislike scratching. You should stick it on their usual target location so their claws will run over it as they walk.

Remember, all cats are different. Some people hate the feel of tape, while others don’t mind it. Fortunately, it’s a small investment, even if the trial turns out to be unsatisfactory.


put socks or fingernails on their feet

Rather than pulling out your cat’s claws entirely, you can protect your furniture by temporarily dulling them. Nail caps cover their sharp nails and effectively dull them. They can still use their nails, but they won’t be destructive.

You can use glue with nail caps. That way, you can slide one over each nail and it will stick longer.

Some people prefer translucent fingernails so they don’t make their cat’s claws look weird, while others prefer bright colors to make them easier to find when they come off.

Fingernails are great during your training sessions as it reduces the risk of any problems with your couch during your training sessions with your cat.


Use cat scratch spray

One way to keep your cat away from furniture is to use cat scratching spray. Spraying it in an area can help them limit destructive scratching or make them want to avoid that piece of furniture.


Install Vinyl Sheets

Protect your sofa directly by temporarily installing vinyl panels that cover the sides of the furniture. Installing these around furniture won’t look good, but you should only need to do this when training your cat.

Vinyl panels keep your cat’s dangerous nails from reaching the sides of the sofa. Even if they try to scratch, nothing will happen to the fabric on the other side.


Provide them with an “exit” for scratching

Finally, it’s important to provide them with an outlet to vent their scratching behavior. Even cats that have had their claws removed will continue to try to scratch, suggesting that this is an ingrained and completely natural tendency.

Scratching posts are the most common outlet people give to cats and are essential to cat training.

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