What do rabbits eat to die? Rabbit fasts irritating things

What rabbits eat will die. Rabbits are a kind of pet that is better to keep. They are vegetarians. While providing them with rabbit food, feed them some hay appropriately. When there is no hay, some owners like to feed them some vegetables, but vegetables cannot be fed casually. Some vegetables are not suitable for rabbits to eat. If they eat too much, it will easily lead to the death of rabbits. What do rabbits eat to die? What are the foods that rabbits can’t eat? The following editor will give you a brief introduction.

What do rabbits eat to die? Rabbit fasts irritating things
Vegetables and fruits can be deadly to pet rabbits

Many novice rabbits, after buying rabbits, do not know what to feed, just follow the nursery rhyme to feed the rabbits with vegetables, but within a few days, they die of diarrhea. The reason is that the water content in vegetables is too large, and this concept of high water content, and the direct drinking of water by rabbits, are two concepts. Therefore, do not take vegetables and fruits as staple food for rabbits.

The correct method is that adult rabbits supply sufficient forage grass + rabbit food + drinking water, and vegetables 1-2 meals a day; young rabbits supply sufficient alfalfa grass + a small amount of rabbit food + sufficient drinking water (cold water), vegetables, fruits, grass Do not feed.

Be careful not to feed it irritating things

Rabbits live with people and, like cats and dogs, are interested in all kinds of food people eat. Some people who keep rabbits think they love it, and they also feed them some foods that are not suitable for rabbits, such as ice cream, fried noodles, ramen, snacks, barbecue, beef patties, etc.

Of course, it does not mean that the rabbit will die immediately after eating these things. It was originally a herbivore that foraged grass and wild vegetables in the mountains. Sauces, spicy dressings, etc. are just too stimulating for it.

Foods to watch out for

If corn and peanuts are not fresh, it is easy to produce a toxic substance of Aspergillus flavus, so they can only be fed fresh. In addition, potato sprouts contain toxins, so special care should be taken.

Food not to be fed

Strong irritating vegetables should not be fed to rabbits, such as onions, leeks, garlic, etc. Also, chocolate is prone to food poisoning, so feeding it should be absolutely avoided.

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