This parrot imitates its owner’s voice and uses a voice assistant to buy strawberries online

Parrots are actually very smart animals, because their ability to imitate is very strong. They can learn to speak from people. Many people also took a fancy to this, so they took the parrots home. The protagonist we are going to talk about today is a very smart parrot. In fact, this parrot used to belong to an animal protection foundation. Because of its unique shape and very smart head, it once became the most popular object in the foundation. This parrot has become “spirited”. It imitates the owner’s voice and uses the voice assistant to buy strawberries online. It’s so funny.

But because this parrot is so smart, it doesn’t know where it learned a lot of swear words. When people came to the foundation to visit the animals, it opened its mouth to swear words to these guests, which also made the people of the foundation feel very Embarrassed, so he became more and more indifferent to the parrot, and finally the parrot was finally kicked out. Fortunately, this parrot met a very caring person, that is, its current owner. He saw this parrot wandering outside and was very pitiful, so he kindly took it home and treated it very well . Recently, the owner of this parrot bought a voice assistant. The parrot was very curious about this voice assistant. He always secretly researched this new equipment at home. Not in, secretly talk to the voice assistant.

Because the owner of this parrot loves it very much and always talks to it, this parrot has also learned a lot. It can already speak some words in our life very proficiently. One day, while the owner was not at home, the parrot spoke some new words he had learned to the voice assistant. When the owner came home, he found that there were a lot of couriers in his home, and they were full of strawberries. The owner of the parrot was very curious at first, where did these strawberries come from? After calling out the records, I found out that the parrot secretly used the voice assistant to buy a lot of strawberries on a certain platform while he was away, because the owner of the parrot usually likes to eat strawberries very much, so he is always in front of the parrot. Speaking of strawberries, I didn’t expect this parrot to learn this word.

This parrot has become “spirited”. It imitates the owner’s voice and uses the voice assistant to buy strawberries online. It’s so funny! The parrot was still secretly buying things behind his back. Looking at the pile of strawberries in front of the house, the owner of the parrot also felt a pain in the head. A smart parrot can bring such troubles! After seeing such a parrot that can shop online, many netizens said that it is so smart that even people have to learn online shopping for a long time. Presumably it must also be a foodie. This parrot has become “spirited”. It imitates the owner’s voice and uses the voice assistant to buy strawberries online. It’s so funny; what do you think?

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