Daily ENTERTAINMENTPet of the Day

The cat drinks hot water with the owner every night

I don’t know when it started, everyone seems to have a wrong understanding of orange cats. Many people think that there is a cat breed in this world called orange cats. Furthermore, nowadays orange cats are generally given nicknames such as “big oranges are heavy” or “orange pigs”. It may also be because cats are chubby and cute. Many shit shoveling officials really like to feed their orange cats to be chubby.


Of course, there are also some orange cats who usually pay more attention to health care, and they will strictly control their figure and will not let themselves gain weight. The orange cat below was actually addicted to drinking hot water, but this hot water was in the water basin that a shit shovel officer would not dare to kiss it again. So what is this water basin, and why does it make the shit shovel officer so disgusted?


It turned out that every night the shit shovel officer would take out the foot bath to soak his feet, and his whole body would be warmed up after such a soak. But every time at this time, the orange cat would silently watch from the side. Seeing the happy face of the shit shovel officer, the orange cat climbed onto the foot bath and stretched out its little head to look at the situation in the bucket. But there is nothing worth studying in the foot bath other than water.


In this way, the orange cat looked on the footbath for a long time, but couldn’t find the secret of the happiness of the shit shovel officer. The puzzled kitten actually did something that surprised the shit shovel officer, only to see the kitten stretch out its claws, He slapped on the foot-washing water, then put his head on the water and drank the master’s foot-washing water with his tongue. This wave of actions really surprised the master.


After this experience, the orange cat would appear next to the owner on time every night, repeating the previous actions, and drinking the owner’s foot wash. Since that time, the shit shovel officer never dared to kiss the orange cat, after all. As soon as I kissed it, I felt a close contact with my own feet, which no one could accept.

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