
Lazy cat that doesn’t move at home, after going out… 12 years the owner has never outperformed it!

When cats are at home, their favorite thing to do every day is to sleep after eating.

So does this Siberian forest cat named rackarkatten (ins@rackarkatten), who lives in Sweden with a shit shovel and sleeps most of the day.

Even if you can’t sleep, lie down with your eyes open.Anyway, I just don’t like to exercise, I just lie down all day.

Lie down on the exclusive mat and yawn.

Lie down on the floor and yawn again.

The above is the living state of rackarkatten and the owner living in a city apartment, basically a lazy cat who does not like sports.

When the weekend came, I followed the shit shovel officer to the countryside, and it was like a cat. A lazy cat who is motionless in an apartment in the city, runs around in the countryside and can’t stop at all.

The whole cat’s temperament has become different.

It runs even more powerfully, like a little tiger.

He ran out of the 100-meter sprint in one breath. It was fast and handsome!

In the field in the backyard, don’t be afraid to encounter a small ditch, it will fly over as soon as you fly.

Look at the pose of Leaping over the small ditch, it is very handsome!

And rushed into the forest in the backyard.

Hearing the call of the shit shovel officer, he rushed out of the forest again.

After discovering that the cat likes to run, the shit shoveling officer decided to compare it to see who is better.


When the cat was 2 years old, the shit shovel officer and it started a running competition, and it has been running for 12 years now, and the shit shovel officer has never won the cat.


The cat narrowly beats the shit shovel in the sprint

Shit shoveling officers are less and less the opponents of cats

race in the snow,

The cat ran ahead and took the lead.

There is no suspense, the cat wins again.

Even if it’s not snowing,

The shit shovel officer still can’t catch up with the cat.

The running speed is not even a little bit worse

Hahaha shit shoveling officer slipped,

But the cat ran stably.

In winter, the cat and the shoveler run twice a month. Twice a week in summer.

But no matter what season, the shit shovel officer can’t win.

Since the shit shovel officer can’t catch up, the cat will run away.Even in the cold winter,

thick snow piles up outside, but it can’t stop the cat’s enthusiasm for running.

Although the running is a little slippery occasionally, it does not hinder the continued running.

Do you feel cold when you see snow? In fact, it is not cold, the cats are running hot.

Running so fast, the cat rushed over in the blink of an eye.

When cats run in winter, did you find that the shit shovel officers helped shovel out a dedicated track.

Why prepare a special runway? Because the snow is not shoveled, the cat cannot run.

Getting stuck in the deep snow makes it difficult to even walk!

Rackarkatten prefers summer to snow-filled winter.

Run on the country lanes and have fun!

run freely~

The shit shovel officer has recorded the cat’s running speed, and the fastest time was 60 meters in 5.8 seconds.

Of course, rackarkatten isn’t running all the time. When not running, it also makes a round of patrols in the woods in the backyard.

Standing on a high stone, observing everything around.

Or go to a field that has just been turned over and check how the crops are sown.

Look at the beautiful sunflowers~

When rackarkatten was 7 years old, the shit shovel officer took it to the countryside. From then on, in the wild, in the field, and on the country trails, run whenever you want.

The shit shovel officer said, accompanied by a cat, he sat quietly admiring the grass and trees in the countryside, and felt the beauty that he had never experienced before.


What a happy cat, a happy shit shovel officer!

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