Global Dog Beauty Ranking

Everyone has different perceptions of appearance and aesthetics, and dogs are no exception. Dog appearance list, is your dog on the list?

The Chinese Garden Dog was once honored as the “National Dog”. It has many hair colors, has a docile and loyal personality, is warm and friendly, smart and alert, and honest and honest.

Corgi is a short, small dog with a gentle personality, brave and bold, and is one of the most popular small guard dogs. Corgi’s smile is cute, soft, and sunny, and there is the most noticeable butt.

Great Pyrenees is one of the most powerful dog breeds today. It is strong and coordinated, beautiful and elegant, majestic and majestic. It is generally not seen in cities. Its weight is about 40-60 kg, up to 150 kg , has a certain aggressiveness and aggressive tendency, sharp claws, and sensitive, suspicious personality, which also determines that the Great Pyrenees is not suitable for breeding in the city.

Labrador looks very considerate, it is neither slow nor overly active, and it is a non-aggressive dog, especially friendly to children, and slightly clingy to dog owners. Often chosen as guide dogs, police dogs, and search and rescue dogs.

Akita Inu is the national dog of Japan. It is famous for its “faithful dog Hachiko”. It is very brave, sensitive, loyal and intelligent. Although Akita dogs will not go crazy and attack humans indiscriminately, they are definitely not easy to mess with.

Akita Inu has a very sunny appearance, is cute and cute, and its facial expression is like a smile, which is extremely healing, so it is loved by many people.

Alaska has a quiet, elegant temperament and is very loyal to its owner. Strong, powerful, muscular and deep-chested, the Alaska was formerly used primarily for sledding.

The difference between Alaska and Husky is that Alaska looks thicker and bigger.

The Bichon Frize does not shed naturally. It is a petite, strong, white puff-shaped dog with a cheerful disposition, sensitive, playful and lovable.

Huskies are friendly by nature, independent and very alert. It is naturally clean and does not have the smell of many long-haired dogs. This kind of dog is very adaptable to living conditions, but likes to hang out. If the owner does not take good care of it, it is very likely that the house will be “demolished”.

Some huskies have very beautiful eyes, like stars and seas.

Golden Retriever is the most common domestic dog. It is easy to raise, patient and requires little from its owner. It is enthusiastic, alert, confident and not afraid of strangers. It is very friendly to children and babies.

Golden Retrievers lose their hair more seriously, shedding twice a year, once for half a year. At this time, the owner needs to add nutrition to the dog’s hair.

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