Dogs like to stretch their heads out of the window. Are they really admiring the scenery?

Everyone knows that dogs are sitting inside the car and like to stretch their heads out of the window. Many people often misunderstand that dogs like to watch the scenery outside. But we all ignored a little bit. Dogs are born with color blindness. What is different from us humans is that we can watch the colorful scenery through vision, and only black and white in the dog’s sight, so there is no way they like Appreciate the scenery. In fact, dogs like to stretch their heads out of the window. There are mainly the following two reasons.

Heat dissipation

Sometimes, because the air in the car is relatively hot, the dog needs to breathe fresh air and disperse the calories in the body through the tongue.

Accept outside information

Accepting information from the outside world is the main reason why dogs stretch their heads out of the window. There are differences between dogs and our human cognition of the outside world. Human beings mainly perceive the external environment through vision, while dogs are through the sense of smell and hearing. So based on this difference, people like to appreciate the sense of landscape and feel nature, and dogs are perceived by their most sensitive smells to feel the information conveyed by nature to them.

If you pay attention, you will find that when the dog stretches his head out of the window, you will always sniff with their noses. This is the information they are perceived the external environment. In addition, it’s not just on the car. If you take the dog on the road, stand on the balcony, stand on the top of the mountain, etc., as long as there is wind blowing, the dogs will raise their heads with their most sensitive nose to sniff, sniff, and Go to perceive the information of nature.

The influence of the dog stretched his head out of the window

When dogs stretch their heads out of the window, they will perceive the world through their sense of smell, but often we ignore this that it will adversely affect their health. Nowadays, due to the poor quality of the air environment, there are various dusts floating in the air, so it has an impact on the health of the dog’s respiratory tract. So why do you say that? Because in the fast driving of the car, the flow of the air is relatively fast, then the dog’s breathing will be accelerated, which will cause the dust that they absorb more. Therefore, it is best not to let your dogs like this for a long time.

Everything in the world has their own characteristics, and the laws of survival. This is the arrangement that nature has given us.

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