
Do you dare to keep these large pets?

Els, a retired colonel from South Africa, would still be smoking a cigar and cruising his 400-acre farm in a walk-behind tractor if he hadn’t met Humphrey the hippo.


In 2006, a ferocious flood came to the colonel’s door. The colonel rescued the 5-month-old hippo from the creek on his farm. He named it Humphrey and kept it as a pet. .

He built an artificial lake with a width of 200 meters and a depth of 18 meters for his little hippo. He bathed and played with the little hippo.

Even after six years, Humphrey had grown into a behemoth weighing 1,200 kilograms, and the colonel regarded it as his own baby, riding Humphrey across the river and feeding it fruit with his bare hands.

    Els was proudest of being able to ride his big pet across the river

Friends and wives urged him to stay away from Humphrey, as it was extremely dangerous to play with such a ferocious beast, but the Colonel said triumphantly: “‘Humphrey’ could tear me apart easily, but it’s like me Like our son. Others may never understand our relationship.”

Of course, this warm story has touched countless people after being reported by major media around the world.

However, in November 2011, the colonel’s family found the colonel’s body in a creek on the farm. The murderer was the hippo Humphrey.

As a result, the comedy turned into a tragedy, and the colonel once again made headlines in the world’s major media, but the title became “adopted a distressed hippo as a pet, but was bitten to death.”


There are thousands of roads, and safety is the first priority. Raising pets is not standardized, and relatives cry in two lines. The purpose of raising pets is to bring us all kinds of joy. Therefore, when raising large pets, you must abide by relevant laws and regulations and do what you can.


Fighting Nation Russian Bears, Yankees Tigers


When it comes to pets, many people associate them with cats, fish, birds and many other small animals. But there are many people in the world, like Colonel Els in the previous article, who like to keep large pets.

Twenty-six years ago, a Russian couple adopted a three-month-old bear cub from a circus. At that time, he was in terrible condition and could die at any time. Fortunately, the kind-hearted couple decided to adopt him and put him on the road. Named Stepan.


Today, it has grown into a big guy weighing 200 kilograms.


“He loves people and is a sociable bear – no matter what people think, he’s not aggressive at all,” said the hostess.


The Russian bear eats 25kg of fish, vegetables and eggs a day, waters plants, and enjoys reading and watching TV with humans.

Big Bear is invited to a couple’s wedding

According to statistics, there are about 3,500 wild tigers in the world, and there are more than 7,000 pet tigers in the living room of Americans.

In some U.S. states, a tiger cub costs only about $350, and it is even easier to buy a tiger than to adopt a stray dog.

Over the past three decades, 22 people have been killed and 500 injured in the United States because of domestic tigers. But this has not dampened the enthusiasm of the American people to raise tigers.


In 2011, Ohio saw what may have been the most dramatic private tiger exodus in U.S. history.

A man who committed suicide after arguing with his wife released all his exotic animals on the street.

These included 1 baboon, 2 wolves, 8 bears, 17 lions, and 18 tigers. For the safety of the public, the police finally had to shoot them all.


Big cat, big dog that can eat you out of bankruptcy

There are certain risks to owning a large pet, in addition to the possibility of being bitten to death by a dear pet, there is also the possibility of bankruptcy.
After all, the bigger you are, the more you eat and the more you spend.
A netizen from Colorado, USA has a deep understanding. He does not raise bears and tigers like those mentioned in the previous article, he just raises a cat casually.
Unexpectedly, half a year later, it actually grew into a giant beast that was one meter long and weighed twenty pounds.


He complained on twitter,

“My God, when Aunt Jimmy gave it to me, she said it was very well fed. At that time, it was about the same as a normal kitten, and who knows now it is such a ghost! It eats more than me, I also need meat for four extra meals a day, and all my meager salary is used to buy cat food, canned cat food, and cat treats. I beg the rich netizens to take it away!”


This big cat, the Maine Coon native to the United States, is one of the largest breeds of domesticated cats.

The Guinness World Record for “Longest Cat” was created by a Maine Coon cat named Stewie, who measures 123 cm from nose to tip of tail and weighs 15.9 kg.


Maine Coon cats are big, eat a lot, and pull a lot. Even the cat litter group formed after defecation is as big as a human fist, and can produce 3-5 cats a day.

In life, large cats are not common, but large dogs are very common. Most of them are more than 60 cm tall and weigh more than 30 kg.


Alaskan Malamute


golden retriever


Tibetan Mastiff

In fact, you can also keep a pig as a pet


In addition to big cats and dogs, what other common and less aggressive large animals are suitable as pets?


cute alpacas

It’s okay to ride a pony that roams around



The 4th smartest species in the animal kingdom – pig

All things have animism. Money can buy a very good dog, but it can’t buy its enthusiasm for wagging its tail. Since you decide to keep a pet, you must take the corresponding responsibility and take care of it with your heart.

In fact, the lovers of large pets do not risk their lives or have nowhere to spend if they have more money. Most of them love to play and dare to play, pursue individuality, and have an unconventional spirit.

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