Do bunnies really like to eat radishes?

In fact, rabbits don’t like to eat radishes very much. Eating too many green leaves can cause diarrhea and get sick easily.

What exactly should the bunny eat?

Rabbits are herbivores, and it is their nature to eat grass. It is necessary to feed your rabbits on a regular basis.

First of all, rabbits can supplement the various nutrients needed by the body by eating grass.

Secondly, pasture can also have the effect of hair removal cream, which can help the rabbit to expel the rabbit hair eaten in the body and ensure the health of the little rabbit.

Sufficient pasture + rabbit food + a small amount of vegetables is a healthy recipe for rabbits.

Another point to note is that rabbits do not feel full, so we must pay attention to controlling the amount of feeding, otherwise the rabbits will easily die.

There are also some little knowledge about rabbits, let’s see if you know:

1. When the rabbits make a cooing sound, it means that they are very dissatisfied and angry. Don’t provoke them again at this time.

2. When the rabbit is very happy, it will jump in place. When they jump, it is like dancing, which is very cute.

3. Rabbits sleep on their side with their legs stretched out to mean they feel safe. If the owner does not disturb it, the rabbit may fall asleep quickly.

4. In the behavioral language of rabbits, licking your hands means thank you. If your rabbit licks your hand, it means it wants to say thank you!

5. Because the position of the rabbit’s chin has a scent gland, the rabbit will use its chin to wipe things and leave its own smell to divide the site. Humans can’t smell it, but rabbits know it.

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