Bianmu is so smart, why are there so few police dogs?

The IQ of the border collie is the number one in the dog world, and the IQ of an adult border collie is equivalent to that of a 5-6-year-old child. But you may find that there are very few border collies among police dogs. Why is this? Come and reveal the secret to everyone today!

Affinity is too strong, no deterrent

Bianmu is also a dog with a familiar personality. It is a medium-sized dog. Compared with tall and mighty German shepherds, horse dogs and other police dogs, it is “weak”.

Relatively poor working ability

In terms of fighting, Border Collies are not as capable of biting, biting, and fighting as other fierce dogs. There are dogs with a stronger sense of smell than it, and their physique cannot overcome extreme weather, so as a police dog, it is not as good as some hounds and strong dogs!

poor obedience

Although the intelligence quotient of the border collie is the best in the dog world, its obedience is far inferior to dogs such as German shepherds and horse dogs.

The most important thing for military and police dogs is to obey orders, and Bianmu has a strong personality. When faced with instructions, they may make their own judgments and act according to their own ideas. It may lead to some dangers or mission failures, so in order to avoid these unnecessary accidents, border collies are rarely used as police dogs.

Not focused enough

Most border collies are too sensitive to fast-moving objects and screams to perform long, patient tasks.

Once there are factors that affect it, it may cause the action to go wrong, so the border collie is not stable enough as a police dog!

too timid

Police dogs also need a necessary condition, that is, they are not afraid of difficulties and can bravely face dangers.

But Bianmu is very timid, and may retreat when encountering dangerous tasks. Because I am too smart, I still feel that my life is important, so I will run away, which may cause greater danger.

In life, if your Bianmu is timid, you can bring it in contact with different people and things. If it can stay quietly without running around because of fear, the owner can reward it immediately to encourage it to be bolder.

easy to have a temper

Bian Mu is prone to petty emotions, and even ignores the owner when he is upset. And police dogs need dogs to be very emotionally stable, and to put away their own personality, it is difficult for Bianmu to meet the conditions in this regard.

Although the smart border collies can only stay away from the gate of the police force, it doesn’t matter, they are smart and have great skills in making their master happy, and they are also the master’s little treasure!

But the life of a dog is only a little more than ten years, and the time that a border collie can accompany you is not long, and improper feeding will shorten its lifespan.

If you want it to live a long and healthy life and accompany you for a longer time, the owner can choose some natural food with a meat content of more than 50%, and the dog will eat healthier!

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