The odds of a dog “killing” its owner are small, but never zero…

Of course, the dogs definitely didn’t mean to “kill” their owners, but there are always accidents—

The shit shoveling officer’s family took their two dogs to the beach for a swim today. Erha Zhang Shuha and Bian Mu Zhang Shufen. Because Zhang Shuha was swimming for the first time, she panicked…


I had to hold my father tightly and not let go…

And put my dad on it as a floating board…

Even the little master didn’t let it go. The whole family was pushed into the water by it one by one. Thanks to everyone’s water ability, it would be really dangerous!

I feel that the little master is also a little scared:

It was said that I was here to swim, but why did it become a drowning drill?

On this side, Zhang Shuha panicked and used her master as a “pedal”, while on the other side, Zhang Shufen had a great time playing in the water alone…

It is said that Zhang Shuha did not learn to swim in the end, so he ran back to the shore to eat sea vegetables, and waited for the owner to rescue it home.

This scene also made Zhang Shufen feel jealous and upset: Green Tea Erha, how dare you rob my favorite dad!

Cough, we don’t care about the jealousy of Wang Jie…

Let’s just say that it is quite common to take a dog to swim, and it is quite common for a dog who is afraid of water or tired from swimming to be used as a floating board…

This big golden retriever has only swam in the swimming pool a few times before, this is the first time to swim in the lake, and the result is too panic…


Survival instinct makes it want to find someone to rely on…

Fortunately, the little owner was fine, and the shovel officer also noticed the danger, and took the dog to the shallow water area to slowly adapt to it, so that it relaxed.

In fact, many dogs are not born to swim, especially when swimming for the first time, even the golden retriever and Lala who are good at swimming may panic and need to teach them to swim first.

Here is also a reminder that as the weather gets hotter and hotter, before taking your dog to play in the water, you must first determine the water quality of your dog, and don’t blindly take your dog to swim in the river to prevent accidents!

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