Cats, dogs and rabbits are all common pets. But some people want to keep some unusual pets.
10. Ferrets
Ferrets are very intelligent, and once they develop a good relationship with humans, ferrets can be very attached and lovable.
9. Leopard Gecko
Their name comes from their leopard-like spots. Unlike big cats, however, leopard geckos are friendly and likable to humans. A 10 gallon tank will do it, it doesn’t need a lot of space.
8. Totoro
Native to the Chilean plateau, chinchillas are very soft rodents that are increasingly being kept as unconventional pets.
7. Hedgehog
Hedgehogs are super pets for introverts. This non-social animal has a simple diet and can be fed in a small area.
6. Fennec Fox
Eye-catching big ears, also known as desert foxes, can live in the harsh environment of the North African desert. The English name of Fennec Fox is the development code name of the mobile version of the Firefox browser.
5. Emperor Scorpion
These African native scorpions have huge front claws that can grow to around 8 inches. Unlike the Indian red scorpion, the venom of the emperor scorpion is weaker.
4. Skunk
They may be stinky, but these little trick-or-treaters are super cute. In addition, when they spend a long time with people, they also become very dependent.
3. Capybara
Capybaras are probably the kindest animals you’ve ever heard of. This highly social and oversized rodent often tops lists of the friendliest animals. Capybaras require a lot of space and a pool. Also, since they are social animals, you cannot keep just one capybara.
2. Alpaca
As the camel’s South American cousin, the llama is one of the few animals that people can safely cuddle. Also, they are so sensitive to human emotions that the Andeans call them “silent brothers”.
1. flying squirrel
The flying squirrel is a “flying” marsupial about the size of a gerbil. The Honey Glider is distributed in eastern and northern Australia and Tasmania. The Honey Glider gets its name because it likes to eat sweet things.
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