How long can a Labrador puppy live? 5 ways to prolong life!

1. Daily care and inspection

In order for the Labrador to have a healthy body, the owner should also pay attention to the dog’s regular deworming, immunization, cleaning and other work. During the maintenance process, the owner may encounter the situation that the dog is sick or injured. If the dog is found to be sick or injured, he should give scientific treatment immediately. Labrador is a short-haired dog, and hair care is relatively simple compared to golden retrievers. As long as you don’t feed some high-salt food, it is best to choose some dog food containing deep-sea fish oil, which is very helpful for bright hair. Only with good care can you have a healthy body!

Second, “refusal to eat” training

Food refusal training is a difficult thing for Labrador Retrievers, because Labrador Retrievers are very gluttonous dogs. They will be interested in all the food on the road, training Labrador to refuse to eat, or not to eat food from the garbage heap, etc., can prevent dogs from food poisoning or other diseases. Choose high-quality dog food, and a healthy diet will prevent you from getting sick.

3. Maintain physical activity every day

Labrador Retrievers are medium-sized dogs and exercise a lot. Labrador Retrievers who often do not go out will be “two ha” on their upper body, and they are welcome to your family. Labrador Retrievers who do not exercise for a long time or exercise little, must have a great difference in health, which is reflected in the brightness of the coat and the degree of hair loss. Appropriately control the amount of exercise of the puppy. The amount of exercise will bring too much pressure to the bones that are not fully calcified. Usually, you should pay attention to feeding the dog food with high calcium content. Adult dogs exercise 1-2 hours a day. More appropriate.

4. Keep a happy mood

The owner also cannot ignore the mental health of the Labrador, the owner is away from home all day and leaves the dog at home alone. They may actually be “depressed” because Lara is only happy when she is with her master. Staying at home alone for a long time will only make it feel unhappy and unloved, and it may be difficult for such a Lala to live a long life.

5. Balanced diet

1. The most important factor affecting the lifespan of Labrador retrievers is diet. Many parents will feed their dogs leftovers, chicken livers, snacks and other foods. In fact, these foods have little effect on the Labrador’s body if they are fed for a short time. adversely affect the health of dogs.

2. Whether a dog food is good or not needs to be considered from the smell of the dog food, raw materials, oil content, salt content, nutritional elements, etc. These factors are often reflected in the color and taste of the dog’s feces, hair quality, hair volume, breath, tear marks and so on. So to judge the quality of a dog food, you still have to observe carefully!

3. Is the better the dog food the better? No, most commercial food adds relatively high salt, additives and oil content to the dog food, all of which have a negative impact on the Labrador dog’s body, so pets mainly choose some high-quality products from the perspective of health. Natural food, recommended natural dog food that is not greasy (balanced nutrition, low oil, low salt, 0 additives, contains deep-sea fish oil, beautiful hair

remove tears)!

Conclusion: The length of the Labrador’s lifespan is mainly in the feeding method. As long as you spend more time on it, Lala will be able to grow up healthily! How old is your Lala now equivalent to a human?

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