Why can’t the dog bark?

Dogs can express different meanings through different barks. If they get along with dogs for a long time, owners can also understand the meanings they want to express through the barks of dogs. But some friends find that their dogs can’t bark. Why is this? Let’s analyze it together~ If the dog doesn’t bark, there are generally three situations:


Young dog
If the dog is less than three months old, its vocal cords are not fully developed at this time, so it has not been able to make a barking sound. This is very normal and there is no need to worry too much.

The dog is nervous and afraid, not feeling safe
Dogs are also fragile creatures, and if something in the outside world makes them feel fearful or frightened, they may bark less frequently or not even bark at all.

feeling unwell, lacking spirit
In addition to psychological reasons, the dog’s non-barking may also be a physical problem. If your dog is sick and weak, it may not bark.

The main reasons why dogs do not bark are the above three. As owners, we should give them enough care and care when raising dogs, and accompany them to grow up healthily and happily~

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