Why can’t hamsters take a bath with water?

Why can’t hamsters take a bath with water? After raising hamsters for so long, I finally understand!

In modern times, some small pets are loved by many people with unstable residences. Among them, the cute little hamster has become the first choice of many pet owners, but many friends who have raised hamsters know it.


Hamsters can’t bathe with water, why? After raising hamsters for so long, I finally understand! Next, let us find out together, although some cats and dogs can bathe with water, but small hamsters cannot, and the reason why small hamsters cannot touch water.


It is because the nasal cavity and trachea of the hamster do not have the function of waterproof and backflow, so if you take a bath with water, the water in the nose of the little hamster will easily affect the lungs, and the chance of choking to death is very high, and the courage of the little hamster They are very small, and they usually don’t take the initiative to take a bath in the water.


If it is put into the water suddenly, it will be easily frightened. In addition, after taking a bath, the body temperature of the small hamster will be very low, so it is easy to catch a cold. For a small hamster, a cold is very serious. It may endanger its life.


So if you want to clean the little hamster, you can use some special bath sand, and the little hamster will use its own method to clean the body. Isn’t it very cute to see how it rolls in the bath sand? What do you think about this?

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