EncyclopediaPet Training

Do you want to have a pet frog too?

Now it is common and common to keep pets, and it is gradually no longer restricted to cats and dogs, and it is no longer an alternative to keep frogs as pets. Many frogs are very cute, such as ugly clown babies, milk frogs in camouflage clothes, and friendly old tree frogs. Each of them is a special frog. Today, I will take you to learn about pets that can be raised at home. Frog it.


1. The clown frog

The full name of the clown baby is the cat’s eye pearl frog. It has small eyes and a strange appearance. Instead, it has attracted the love of many people and began to raise the clown baby. Adult clown frogs are generally between 6.5-10 cm. Although they are small, their ability to survive in the wild is not bad. The rearing water level is around 26-28 degrees, it survives in the water, and it is not necessary to consider the problem of humidity. The digestive ability is very strong, but it is not recommended not to feed too much. It is enough to feed it once every 2-3 days.


2. Milk Frog

Milk frogs are large tree frogs. They usually live on tree trunks or in tree holes. They are different from general tree frogs, so they have evolved different protective colors. When they are in danger, they will secrete white liquid. It looks like milk, so it is named the milk frog. Unlike other frogs, it also reproduces in a way that it mates and lays eggs in puddles. The rearing temperature is between 25-29, the humidity is 50%-60%, and the tank of the milk frog should not be placed in direct sunlight.


3. Grandpa tree frog

The old tree frog, also known as the white tree frog, giant tree frog, and green rain frog, is a fairly large tree frog that lives in lowlands below 200 meters above sea level. Its laziness and gluttony are irreplaceable in the frog family. Its body size is absolutely worthy of its character. They always sleep lazily on the branches. They are chubby and cute, and they like to be in a daze the most. Their lifespan is still very long, and their eating and sleeping habits allow them to live up to 15-18 years.


4. Horned frog

Horned frogs are the most common pet frogs, and this year the company changed its name to Lucky Frogs. Their physique is very strong, and their mouths are very large. They are also very edible, as long as the humidity is 60%-80% and the temperature is 26-29 degrees Celsius. They are very easy to raise frogs, especially suitable for novice frog raising.


If you also want to raise a frog to accompany you, you must check the relevant knowledge to ensure that you can feed it, and also be optimistic about whether it is insect food that you can accept, stick to it, and don’t abandon it. For more pet knowledge, come and follow us~

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