GIF:The between dog and a dog, so big difference!

Everyone can’t get around such a threshold when they are young: other people’s children are the same in the animal kingdom. Other people’s dogs are not only smart and independent, but also help their owners in daily life. Those stupid and cute second-hands are full of tears.



Other people’s dog: help the owner as a clothes support, it doesn’t matter how much you put it on

My own dog: It will only bite the owner’s clothing, no matter how much it bites, it won’t admit it

Other people’s dog: When the owner brushes his teeth, he will squeeze the toothpaste for the owner intimately

My own dog: I can’t think of anything else it can do other than tearing up the house and demolition

Other people’s dog: the owner wants to hang a picture frame, and also knows how to use the paws to help the owner fix the nails

My own dog: what is the paw, is it delicious?

Other people’s dog: When the owner washes the car, he will help with the water pipe

My own dog: It doesn’t matter what the owner is doing… “Look, I finally bit my tail…”

Other people’s dog: help the owner to read the newspaper while the owner is eating

My own dog: It will be greedy… It is difficult to have a quiet meal

Other people’s dog: can open the refrigerator and help the owner get food

My own dog: only use the refrigerator as a place to cool down…

Other people’s dogs: they can go to the toilet by themselves, and they love to be clean

My own dog: peeing in this position…I want to pretend I don’t know it…

Other people’s dogs: When they are not used to dog food, they will cook by themselves

Your own dog: Do what it likes to eat and serve it in front of it, it will be… happy

My own dog: in danger, withdraw first… “Ball ball, I’ll come back to save you later”

Other people’s dogs: they will drive and flirt with girls…

My own dog: I will only lead my girlfriend to dig a hole…

Other people’s dog: when you are hungry, you don’t need to bother the owner at all, you can do it yourself

My own dog: whether it is hungry or not, as long as it sees something delicious, the whole dog will be “broken”

Other people’s dog: play games with the owner, is the owner’s good teammate

Someone else’s dog: If you don’t agree, the other party will take a knife…

My own dog: no matter what the owner does to it, it still can’t stop its love for the owner

Maybe it’s because it’s stupid and stupid, even if the owner only loves it a little bit, it is willing to repay the owner’s lifelong love…


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